A comprehensive strategy that protects your person and assets while you are still alive, and lays out your intentions for what happens after you die
A legal structure that you create to hold your assets for you. A trust also spells out how your estate is settled after you die
The management of your trust by you or a chosen trustee if you are still alive. After you die a successor trustee distributes the estate according to the instructions in the trust
The settlement of your affairs after you die if you have only a will as your estate plan, or no will at all
A legal status imposed on you if a probate court judge rules you are incapacitated. The court-appointed Conservator then has total control over every aspect of your life
Your business is a dynamic asset, and special care is needed to safeguard it. There are many ways to use the complex elements of Business Law within your estate plan
A strategy to minimize or eliminate the tax liability of your estate. Tax laws change all the time. It’s important to review and update your estate plan accordingly
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